Cast a Vision.
Spark a Movement.
For over 40 years, FCS | Focused Community Strategies has been partnering with communities experiencing poverty. Along the way we have tried, failed, learned, grown, and evolved. We, like you, know how hard this work is, how complex the problems are, and how important it is to unite people under a common mission.
And we know that the first step to creating real change is casting a whole new vision for what is possible. We want to help you spark a movement for community transformation.

We would love to come to your city and facilitate one of our dynamic training events for your organization. The Lupton Center has a wide range of seminars and workshops that range from 2 hours to 2 days. If you are ready to help your community reimagine what is possible, we need to work together!
What makes The Lupton Center’s seminars and workshops effective?
- Learner-centered: We know your organization comes to the table with your own stories, experiences, and ideas. Therefore, this event is designed to integrate your knowledge and expertise with the lessons we have learned so that everyone walks out better equipped for creating change.
- Community-driven: At our events, people sit at tables interacting, listening, sharing, and learning together. The power to create change is in the partners already present in your community. We want to facilitate that transformative exchange of ideas.
- Research-based: The material that we present and the exercises we will facilitate are based on our own experience in this work, continual research, and partnerships with innovative organizations around the country.
Who are the training events for?
We designed our seminars and workshops for groups who are passionately engaged in loving and serving those experiencing poverty but, at the same time, know that a better way has to be possible.
What are some examples of topics?
Examples of our events include but are not limited to:
- Reimagine Charity – examining why the traditional poverty-alleviation models aren’t working and presenting the foundational principles for effective engagement
- Flourishing in Place – two-day, place-based exploration of holistic neighborhood development
- SPIRE Assessment for Leaders – workshop to do a diagnostic of health and effectiveness of current programs
How do I get a training event in my city?
It’s simple. Just contact us today and we can get it set up!